Homepage - Qualia - Media Production

Meaning of Qualia


Words can't even describe..

qualia (/ˈkwɑːliə/ or /ˈkweɪliə/; singular form: quale) are claimed to be individual instances of subjective, conscious experience.



is an innovative entertainment production company committed to talent development and excellence in our craft.

We represent an illustrious group of upcoming creators, whose work is rooted in advertising, film, photography, visual effects and music.

We collaborate with brands, agencies and individuals, developing original content across a variety of platforms.



AV. Central 122 1º Andar
4710-229 Braga

Email: info@qualiaprod.com
Phone number: +351 917934875


Pedro Lucas - Director/Photographer/CEO-founderBorn and raised in the middle of photography, literally. Has a keen eye and a firm hand, top that with a strong voice.

Pedro Lucas - Director/Photographer/CEO-founder

Born and raised in the middle of photography, literally.
Has a keen eye and a firm hand, top that with a strong voice.

Manuel Pinto Barros - Director of PhotographyHe talks to the light and gear,  no seriously...  He does.

Manuel Pinto Barros - Director of Photography

He talks to the light and gear,
no seriously...
He does.

Pond 5 - World's Largest Stock Video Library, Audio Clips & More  Exclusive ArtistWhen you are looking for new things and don't even know it.

Pond 5 - World's Largest Stock Video Library, Audio Clips & More

Exclusive Artist

When you are looking for new things and don't even know it.

Nimia - Motion Picture Digital Asset ManagementLifetime SponsorshipYou think you know what stock footage is? Think again.

Nimia - Motion Picture Digital Asset Management

Lifetime Sponsorship

You think you know what stock footage is?
Think again.

Toolbox - EquipmentDo you know what a Swiss army knife is? These guys are like that, but with gear.

Toolbox - Equipment

Do you know what a Swiss army knife is?
These guys are like that, but with gear.

Gil Amado - Audio/Music/ComposerYou have a big budget project? You need a big budget composer.

Gil Amado - Audio/Music/Composer

You have a big budget project?
You need a big budget composer.

Luis Pinto - Music/composerHe's the middle man between a melody an instrument and a note.

Luis Pinto - Music/composer

He's the middle man between
a melody an instrument and a note.

Moa Sanhá - Composer/MusicYou don't know your music style? His style is music.

Moa Sanhá - Composer/Music

You don't know your music style?
His style is music.

Marlene Vinha - Pretty Exquisite  Make up Artist  If you take "make up" from "make up artist", you end up with "artist". That's what she is.

Marlene Vinha - Pretty Exquisite

Make up Artist

If you take "make up" from "make up artist", you end up with "artist".
That's what she is.

Tiago Faria - Camera Department  It doesn't really matter what camera, this one can "handle" anything.

Tiago Faria - Camera Department

It doesn't really matter what camera, this one can "handle" anything.

Sérgio Silva - Audio/Boom DepartmentDid you hear that? No? He did...

Sérgio Silva - Audio/Boom Department

Did you hear that?
He did...

Expanding Roots - Video Production  When the Job requires an extra hand, we have one of the strongest around.

Expanding Roots - Video Production

When the Job requires an extra hand, we have one of the strongest around.

Freddy Guerreiro - Food Stylist  Are you hungry? This Chef is our Master at food.

Freddy Guerreiro - Food Stylist

Are you hungry? This Chef is our Master at food.

Freddy Alves - Fashion Stylist  He knows what you dress, before you know what to dress.

Freddy Alves - Fashion Stylist

He knows what you dress, before you know what to dress.


Qualia Media Production

See anything you like? Send us a message and we'll talk about it.

Email: info@qualiaprod.com
Phone number: +351 917934875